Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Make Money For Free Online…4 Free Ways To Make Money

There are many ways to make money online. Unfortunately, many of the money-making techniques actually take money to make money. This means that you need to begin with money if you hope to make any money.
However, there are several free ways to make money online. Let’s take a look at four of them right now.
How To Make Money For Free Online…
1. Offer Your Services
Perhaps the easiest way to get started making money online is by offering your services to other internet marketers.
If there is something you do especially well – such as writing, designing web pages, etc. – then you can find people who will be more than happy to pay for your services.
You can go to some sites that charge you to pay to bid on projects (such as or but you don’t have to.
In fact, you’ll probably have more success by going to forums and simply putting your email in the signature box and writing that you will write, design, etc. for people.
To get started you could even offer to do a couple projects for dirt cheap just to get a couple references.
2. Become an Affiliate and Set-Up a Free Blog
There are many places you can sign-up with to become an affiliate.
Clickbank is probably one of the best and easiest to sign-up with.
Become an affiliate for a couple products and then set-up a couple free blogs to promote the products. Just write a new blog three or four times a week and include the affiliate link on the blog.
You can go to or to get a free blog.
Also remember to “Digg” your blog and write articles with links back to your blog.
3. Use Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites is another great way to make money through affiliate sales. You can be an active member and create one or more pages on social sites such as MySpace, FaceBook, Squidoo, Xanga, and FacePaint.
You can also use your social networking site(s) in conjunction with a free blog. Also, you can use article marketing to help direct traffic to your social networking sites.
4. Create Your Own Product
You could also create your own product and sell it on your free blog, social website, and on forums.
Of course this would work best if you pay a little money and set-up a sales page with the necessary bells and whistles. But you can do it the free way and make some money as well.
One of the easiest ways to create a product is to interview an expert in your particular field of interest and sell the recording as an audio course. This also gives you instant credibility as you become associated with these experts.
So there you have four free ways to make money online. You can commit to any or all of these free ways and begin bringing in money within a few days to a couple weeks.
The main ingredient in all of these “recipes” to make money is ACTION. You won't make any money unless you go out and try something.
To your success,
Richard Legg

24yr old College 'Kid' Makes $1,000 a DAY with this FREE System

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Profit Lance Wealth Course

The Profit Lance System is a comprehensive course that covers proven money-making methods. If you are a beginner or have some limited experience in marketing online, this is an absolutely essential course. This course provides you with the basics on everything in a easy to follow manner. It also reveals a lot of the hidden information that many of the successful marketers tend not to reveal.
What makes this product far better than the others is that it really does provide huge amounts of information, and very good information at that. There is a regularly updated article base which covers topics in more depth. You also get a personal dashboard area where you can store important information. There are project tasks that you are asked to do aimed at giving you direct practical experience with some of the secret techniques the course outlines. You also get a whole series of ready hosted websites that are already set up in accordance with the principles in the course itself. In short - the course covers everything you need to know to get to a very good level in the shortest possible time, and it gives you some powerful tools and resources, saving you from having to spend additional money.
"Catch a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime!"

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Brand High Quality Viral Reports Free

When I saw "Free High Quality Reports", my first thought
was "Yeah, sure. Free AND High Quality!"

But I joined. Why not - it's free.

I joined with healthy skepticism. I am usually pretty critical
of the free content you find out there.

However, I soon found my skepticism melting away. In fact,
I was quite pleasantly surprised by what I found.

First, I have to say that this site is pretty ingenious when you
think about it. Branded, high quality reports you get to give
away - and make money from.

When I actually checked out a few of the reports, I found
that they were much more than just "thrown together trash".
In fact, quite the opposite.

Along with the reports supplied by the staff writers of the
site, members can also contribute their own reports. As a
free member, you can contribute one of your original
reports every month.

After a while, once you have contributed a few reports, you
will see how viral this concept really is.

I've seen an increase in my traffic, as well as seen my own
credibility as an expert shoot through the roof.

My advice to you is simple. Join. Now. Why wouldn't you?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Has Joel Comm lost his mind?

By now, I'm sure you know my friend, Joel Comm.
As the author of The New York Times Best seller, "The AdSense Code" and the Host & Executive Producer of "The Next Internet Millionaire" reality show, Joel continues to produce top-quality resources and training materials that have helped thousands of people increase their online income.
Well, Joel is thankful for the support he has received over the years, and he is doing something truly amazing to say "thank you".
It's been over two years since Joel last released an updated version of his best selling "Google AdSenseSecrets" ebook. This book is the definitive guide to making money with AdSense and it is the only book you ever need to master AdSense.
Joel regularly sells this book for $97.00. It's worth every penny.
But what is doing now is going to send shock waves through the industry!
Joel has completely revised and extended AdSense Secrets 4.0 for 2008 to include all the latest AdSense cash-sucking strategies and techniques that allow him to continue earning over $500/day in passive AdSense income!
So how is Joel saying "thank you" by offering this book?
It's the price!
Are you sitting down?
You are going to think I am toying with you, but this is the honest truth...
For a limited time, Joel is offering AdSense Secrets v4.0 to you for just $9.95!
Yes, you heard me right!
That's just $9.95!
Ok, I don't need to go on and on about this.
Welcome to the biggest no-brainer of the year.
Go pick up a copy of AdSense Secrets 4.0 right NOW while it is still priced at this amazing bargain of $9.95. You'll be able to instantly download your copy and begin implementing the same strategies and techniques that Joel and his customers have used to generate incredible passive income!
Honestly, I don't know how long Joel will make the book available at this price, so I recommend you hurry and download it NOW!
To your success,
Richard Smith